ICT Summary Slides

This documents contains summary of all you need to know about IGCSE ICT. As the textbook contains a lot of information which makes it difficult to read for many students, We have prepared a comprehensive summary slides which contains all you need to be an A* student.


This download contains all the theory paper topics from chapter 1 to 10. The slides present the topics in a concise and easy to understand manner. After each topic, a series of past year questions are treated based on the marking scheme to speed-up the student understanding.

The students will benefit the following:

  1. Understand and digest the topics in a easy to remember manner
  2. take note of the important information
  3. familiar with the Cambridge style of asking questions
  4. be able to answer any questions related to each topic

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Each slide contains a summary and well detailed necessary information of your curriculum topics. No repetition or too boring information is included. Past questions are treated along side with each topic. This makes it easier for students to answer IGCSE questions correctly and familiarize themselves with the answering styles .

This material is useful for both teachers and students. Teachers don’t need to spend hours in creating learning resources for the students. This slide is well explainable and coherent.